Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Washington Mr. President

Well, if you live in the DC Metro area there was no escaping the repeated news reports of how our new President thought it was ridiculous that today would be called a snow day (read here). Apparently in the wonderful city of Chicago they never cancel school for snow. Well Mr. President that's because in Chicago they get snow, in DC, we get ice. You can walk through snow, have recess in snow, drive successfully in snow. In ice however, you can do the splits on a sidewalk, bust your ass walking out the door to get the mail, and slide off the side of the road in your car.

Yes Mr. President, in DC we also have an ever circulating number of immigrants from around the country. See, being the home of our nation's capital we have many people that move here for job opportunities and stay for a while before leaving and being replaced. There is a steady stock of home grown locals, but even they fall prey to the newbies. Those that haven't gotten used to driving in ice and still can't believe that four wheel drive doesn't mean that you're invincible. I'm also pretty sure that in your wonderful land of Chicago they don't have nearly as many parks as we have here and people that commute from over 40 miles away to come to work. Have you been on River Road (I believe your daughter's school is near there) or on the GW Parkway when it's been coated by ice? The roadside trees and sudden drop offs are enough to send anyone's stomach into knots.

We're not the great northeast of Maine or north of Chicago, and sometimes go an entire season without a significant snow presence. So yeah, our budget isn't dedicated to road clearing trucks and an exorbitant amount of chemical to help keep our roads safe for travel. So sorry that you think it's a big joke that the school system cares enough about your children's safety to keep them at home. When you see a bus full of school kids slide sideways down a street because of icy road conditions, be sure to thank your children's school system for keeping your kids at home and calling it a snow day.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely showing your republic side :>) From one to another, I LOVE IT!!
